Red Deer Stalking in the UK.

Red Deer Licensed 1

Red Deer Stalking - The UK offers some great Deer Stalking and none more so than for the UK's native and iconic Red Deer.

Red Deer Stalking is typically associated with Deer Stalking in Scotland, where stalking in the Scottish Highlands is a long established tradition. However, Red Deer can also be found in small pockets elsewhere in the UK in areas such as Exmoor, Cumbria, East Anglia and the New Forest. Here, due to the availability of browse and gentle climate, lowland stags can grow to epic proportions. 

Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) are the largest species of deer in the UK, with woodland stags standing up to 140cm in height and reaching weights in excess of 250kg. 

Typically existing in large single sex herds, Red deer come together for the rut around September - October.  During the Rut Red Stags in their prime (usually between 8-12yrs) and exhibiting the greatest size and weight, tend to achieve the best position in the mating heirarchy. 

For many, Stalking Red Deer in the rut represents the epitome of the very best in UK Deer Stalking, however, the season is a long one and there are opportunities to hunt both highland and lowlnad deer from July until April.

If you'd like to hunt for Red Stag, then why not contact us here at County Deer Stalking on 0203 981 0159 or email us: 

Deer Hunting seasons for this noble quarry vary between England & Wales and Scotland.

Red Deer Open season In England & Wales:

Red Stags:  1st August - 31st April

Red Hinds: 1st Nov - 31st March

Red Deer Open Season in Scotland:

Red Stags: 1st July - 20th October

Red Hinds:  21st October - 15th February.

For more information about Red Deer and Deer Stalking please take some time to browse our website. To watch a film about Red Stag stalking in Scotland simply follow this link:

Or to watch a film about hunting lowland Red deer then watch here:

Alternatively, to book now call: 0203 981 0159 or email: and we'll be happy to help with some of the very best Red Deer Stalking that the Uk has to offer.   

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