If it’s your ambition to hunt and harvest one of the UK’s largest deer species, Red, Fallow or Sika, there is a rapidly diminishing window of opportunity to do so.
But before I explain why. I am going to hijack this almanac with some news.
Those that have been following us, will be aware that at County Deer Stalking we have been championing the ‘Proficient Deer Stalking Certificate’ (PDS1) as a means of obtaining ‘Accredited’ deer management training.
Well, we have had some important news this month, which I’d like to share with you, our readers.
Following lengthy discussions with the Forestry Commission and NatureScot, I am pleased to announce that the PDS1 & PDS2 now has the recognition that it deserves. We have written confirmation from both government departments that the PDS1 & PDS2 is recognised in England & Wales and Scotland as equivalent to DSC1 & DSC2.
This is a huge decision for deer management training and now provides the UK consumer with some much-needed choice. I hope that you’ll take time to watch our short YouTube film, in which we reveal more details. And please don’t forget to ‘Like’ and ‘Subscribe’. Forestry Commission & NatureScot Recognise PDS1&2 | Deer Management
Speaking of which, with our cameraman Connor, now joining the team on a more permanent basis, we are now pumping out heaps of new material on YouTube, including regular films, equipment reviews and our monthly almanac. So, if you haven’t done so already, please ‘Subscribe’ to our channel. (4) County Deer Stalking - YouTube
Anyway, enough promotion, and back to the business at hand and the month ahead.
In Scotland, 15thFebruary, marks the last day of the season for Sika, Fallow and Red females. Thereafter, north of the border, only the Roe Doe and males remain in season.
In England & Wales the season for females of the larger species continues a little longer until 31st March, after which, the deer that you are legally allowed to harvest, rapidly tapers off to a point where, by the beginning of May only Roebuck and Muntjac remain in season.
By the middle of February, we will have gained around an hour and a half of daylight in the evening and three quarters of an hour in the morning. As the hours of daylight increase our focus shifts away from the females who are soon to give birth, to the males and then predominantly to Roebuck.
That is not to say that the quality of stalking will diminish, it will just shift from short, cold days hunting big deer, to long warm summer days hunting the smaller Roebuck. Each are equally rewarding, however, if it is venison that you are after, with the larger species weighing two or three times that of Roe, it is worth taking advantage of the next few weeks when most of the large deer, both male and female, remain in season.
Another notable feature of February is the absence of game shooting. With the season for game birds coming to an end on the 01st February, and with game keepers feeling less anxious about their birds, deer stalkers can once again re-claim the countryside for themselves.
As for the behaviour of deer during February, it is useful to understand that as a general rule, the herding species of deer will be made up of single sex herds, whilst the Roe will be found in mixed family groups.
You should also be aware, that mature Roebuck will now appear well advanced in velvet, but that this is not true of all Roebuck. The Roebuck kid will instead be casting its ‘button antlers’ during February, so will be absent of antler for some weeks, before re growing their first simple set of antlers in time for the start of the Roebuck season in April.
Understanding these important aspects of deer ecology, are crucial to being a successful hunter and that is what makes the County Deer Stalking Almanac each month so invaluable!
Now, let’s take a closer look at what’s in and out of season in the month ahead. But before we do that, here is a round up of our latest films:
Hunting Three Species in One Day! Hunting Three UK Deer Species in One Day!
Big News for Deer Management Training: Forestry Commission & NatureScot Recognise PDS1&2 | Deer Management
‘Deer Gear’ We take a closer look at the Spartan Springbok Shooting Sticks: Spartan SpringBok Quad Sticks Review: Deer Gear | County Deer Stalking
And finally, our February Almanac, now available on YouTube: February A Look Ahead | Deer Stalkers Almanac
Thanks for your support!
IN Season in England & Wales: Roe Doe, Fallow Doe & Fallow Buck, Sika Stag & Sika Hind, Red Stag & Red Hind, CWD Buck & CWD Doe, Muntjac Buck & Muntjac Doe.
Off Season in England & Wales: Roebuck.
In Season in Scotland: Red Stag, Sika Stag, Fallow Buck, Roebuck & Roe Doe.
Sika Hind, Red Hind and Fallow Doe until 15th Feb.
Off Season in Scotland: From 16th February. Sika Hind, Red Hind and Fallow Doe.
(Correct at time of publishing).
Peter S Jones (Editor)