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What to expect from your Deer Stalking month by month. Enter your email address below to receive the Almanac:
Now ladies and gents, the moment that we have all been waiting for….the Roe rut!
The Capreolus Club extends its deer stalking syndicate to the Cotswolds.
Professional hunter and deer stalker Peter S Jones considers an apparently simple question with no easy answer.
June is all about still hunting for Roebuck, Professional deer stalker Peter Jones explains why.
We look at the upsurge in interest from people wishing to hunt for food.
Here at County Deer Stalking it would be remiss of us not to acknowledge the passing of a great shooting man and ambassador for field sports, HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, who sadly passed away on the 09th April 2021 aged 99 years.
On the back of our chill in Blighty, James Schneider reports back from sunny Florida with details of his hunting escapades.
What do top Michelin Star Chef’s Gordan Ramsay, Jamie Oliver, Marco Pierre White and many others have in common? The answer is they all hunt or shoot and have promoted their harvested game in their cooking.
The deer stalking seasons all change in April, we look in detail at the month ahead.