What to expect from your Deer Stalking month by month. Enter your email address below to receive the Almanac:
In the UK the LANTRA Accredited, Proficient Deer Stalker Certificate Level 1 PDS1, is fast gathering pace as the UK’s go to Deer Stalking Qualification, with a new candidate passing the course every other day.
For target shooters and foreign hunters, obtaining a Firearm Certificate in the UK to shoot deer, may involve acquiring some additional knowledge and skills, experienced African hunter and target shooter Peter Osborne, explains how taking the PDS1 Certificate achieved this.
County Deer Stalking & Capreolus Club become a key corporate supporter of the 'The Country Food Trust' charity.
We look at the difference between the DSC1 and PDS1 deer stalking certificate, and why Swarovski Optik have thrown their support behind the PDS1.
We look at some great news for UK deer stalking qualifications and how our deer are behaving during one of the UK’s busiest months for Roebuck.
Earn money from deer stalking. Recommend the PDS1 Deer Stalking Course and earn £100-00.
The UK Shooting & Hunting Academy is now providing a food hygiene course for large game meat that has been developed with deer stalkers in mind.
We need your help. ‘Approved Verifiers’ (AVs) are required in all areas of the UK to support the Proficient Deer Stalker Certificate Level 1 (PDS1) and verify the skills of PDS1 candidates who have completed the PDS1 Online.
The ‘Proficient Deer Stalker level 1 Course’ (PDS1) has been awarded nationally recognised accreditation by both the largest UK land-based awarding bodies LANTRA and UK Rural Skills.
Leading on perfectly from the PDS1 or DSC1 Deer Stalking Certificate, this class in the Gralloching & Inspection of deer, is ideal for those hunters that wish to handle and process their own shot deer carcasses. It is also perfect for those enrolled on, or about to take their DSC2 or PDS2 deer stalking qualifications.