What to expect from your Deer Stalking month by month. Enter your email address below to receive the Almanac:
James Schneider uses some clever calling techniques and effective shooting to account for five bucks in two outings.
What to expect from your deer stalking during the month of August.
Peter Jones witnesses conclusive evidence of the start of the 2013 Roe Rut.
Peter Jones offers some tips for summer Deer Stalking and discusses the use of Neck Shot’s in high cover.
Chris Dalton Offers Some Top Tips on Stalking Roe Deer in the Rut.
Stuart Morrison explains why he considers the .270 Winchester to be the best calibre for deer management in the UK.
For those who love their Roe Deer Stalking the month of July represents the high light of the Deer Stalkers calendar, for with the end of July comes the start of the Roe Rut!
Best Hunting Rifles for Deer - For those just getting started in deer stalking, professional UK Deer Stalker and big game hunter Peter Jones considers how to choose the best hunting rifle.