What to expect from your Deer Stalking month by month. Enter your email address below to receive the Almanac:
James Schneider steps out with his son in search of Fallow Buck on the superb Capreolus Club PLUS scheme.
Peter Jones looks at the deer stalking highlights of the month ahead.
As the summer temperatures soar, Peter Jones secures evidence that the 2019 Roebuck Rut is underway.
If you need advice how to get a Firearm Certificate in the UK then the following is designed as a guide to making a Firearms application for the purpose of hunting and stalking deer.
As Aristotle once commented of nature; “horror vacui” meaning: ‘nature abhors a vacuum’, indeed this is true of Roe. Given the opportunity and sufficient browse, Roe deer will diffuse evenly around the countryside.
County Deer Stalking ask’s professional deer stalkers Jason Doyle from the ‘Field Sports Ireland’ and Colin Fraser head stalker at the ‘Dalness Estate’ in the West Highlands, for their opinion on the most suitable calibre for deer stalking in the highlands of Scotland.
New deer stalking syndicate places are announced through the Capreolus Club PLUS - Deer Stalking Scheme.
May is one of the most exciting months to be deer stalking.
Things are all change from 1st April, we explain what's happening in the deer world.